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What is Full stack Development? Advantages and Role of Full-stack Development in Web or App?

A Surpassed Guide on Full-Stack Development

Hey, budding developers! Got stuffed with too many questions and doubts regarding full-stack development? If so, this blog will provide you with a complete overview of full-stack development, including what it is all about, languages, stacks, advantages, disadvantages, and its role in web application development. Before moving further firstly let me introduce you to full-stack development.

What is Full-Stack Development???

Looking at the terminology, the phrase “Full-Stack Development” is quite self-explanatory. Full-Stack development refers to the development of web applications that include both front-end and back-end layers. Essentially, it is a comprehensive process of designing, creating, testing, and deploying a complete web application from beginning to end.

Moreover, the software engineers who work on both the front-end (client software) and back-end (server software) of web applications are referred to as “Full-Stack Developers”. Usually, full-stack developers are well-versed in front-end & back-end technologies along with database management. In fact, they have strong knowledge, a thorough grasp, and technical skills in development technologies, frameworks, stacks, and how various features of a web application interact with one another.

At present, full-stack developers are in high demand since they can build any website or application while handling both front-end and back-end development from start to end. They can look into any issues that may arise in the future and fix them as soon as possible. Read more to learn about client software, server software, and their role in web application development.

Role of Full-Stack in Web Application Development

Client Software (Front-end Development)

Front-end is the visible part of any website (or) web application. Front-end development, also known as client software, usually runs on the user’s local device instead of on a remote server. Client software is the only interface between users and the system (or) software (or) application, allowing them to access all features and functionalities for a wonderful user experience.

Front-end Languages

Front-end can be developed by using various languages, indeed, every language has its own strengths and limitations. Keeping the constraints in mind developers have to pick a suitable language based on the project requirement.

HTML – The main purpose of HTML is to structure content on a webpage. HTML (Hyper Text Markup Language) is a blend of Hypertext and Markup language. Hypertext defines the link between web pages whereas Markup language defines the structure of web pages including text documentation within the tag.

CSS – The main purpose of CSS is to create effective & elegant layouts along with styling the content on web pages. CSS (Cascaded Style Sheets) can be used independently by the developer for adding styles to the web page content irrespective of native HTML.

Java Script – The main purpose of JavaScript is to make the web page interactive by adding dynamic content. JavaScript is a well-known programming language that is used to create web pages visually appealing to users. It improves the functionality of websites by allowing them to run exciting games and web-based software

Front-end Frameworks and Libraries

Angular JS – This is a popular open-source framework for developing single-page web applications (SPAs). Being an open-source framework, this framework can be easily used and modified by anyone. It switches static HTML to dynamic HTML by adding directories and data to HTML attributes.

React JS – This  is a free and open-source framework developed by Facebook. This javascript is a very versatile and efficient framework for creating user interfaces. It is a component-based front-end library that is responsible for building the application’s view layer.

Bootstrap – Angular Bootstrap is another open-source framework that helps in the development of responsive websites and web applications. Angular Bootstrap has become a primary go-to tool for most developers because of its potential and growth in the market.

JQuery – JQuery is also another open-source library that is used for handling a variety of tasks such as event handling, Ajax interactions, DOM animations, and cross-browser activities. It makes the interactions between Javascript and HTML/CSS documents simpler.

Server Software (Back-end Development)

Back-end is an essential part of each and every website (or) web application. Back-end development, often known as server software, is responsible for administrating and coordinating the server’s activities. Its primary objective is to validate the functionality of the website. Server software serves as a user interface through which users interact with servers.

Back-end Languages – Back-end can be developed by using various languages, in fact, every language has its own strengths and limitations. Considering all the constraints, developers have to pick a suitable language based on the project’s requirements.

PHP is a server-side programming language designed specifically for developing webpages (or) web applications. Basically, this scripting language is executed on the server end and is most commonly used by developers while developing small projects with simple functionalities.

C++  is a popular general-purpose programming language that is used for competitive programming these days. It is commonly used in conjunction with other frameworks for managing all the back-end activities effectively during the web application development process.

Java is a highly scalable programming language that is used widely. Usually, developers prefer this programming language when they are working on large projects with complex functionalities.

Java Script – As mentioned in the front-end development section, JavaScript is a scripting language that may be employed for both front-end and back-end development.

Python is a popular and widely used programming language for back-end web development. It has several sub-frameworks on which to build, as well as a simple syntax. This scripting language is typically used by developers while working on large projects that require extensive data processing.

Back-end Frameworks and Libraries

Ruby on Rails – Often known as Rails, is a server-side web application framework written in the Ruby programming language. This open-source framework enables developers to easily create customized web applications (or) websites while working together in small teams.

Laravel is a free, open-source framework with a plethora of functionalities that incorporate the basic features of PHP. In the process of building web applications (or) websites, developers utilize this framework to ease tasks such as authentication, routing, sessions, and caching.

Spring is an open-source framework that provides infrastructure support for developing java applications. Developers can utilize this enterprise edition framework for developing high-performing applications using Plain Old Java Objects (POJOs).

Django is a free, open-source high-level Python web framework that enables highly experienced developers to develop applications with clean, pragmatic designs in a short time frame. It is completely based on the MVT (Model View Template) design pattern.

Most Popular Technology Stacks

Most technology stacks include the JavaScript framework, which is a huge benefit for the complete software stack because it simplifies development for JavaScript experts. Below listed are the few technology stacks often used by developers.

MEAN Stack: MongoDB, Express, Angular JS, and Node.js

MERN Stack: MongoDB, Express, React JS, and Node.js

LAMP Stack: Linux, Apache, My SQL, and PHP/ Python

LEAP Stack: Linux, Eucalyptus, Apache, and PHP/ Python

Ruby on Rails: Ruby, PHP, My SQL along with JavaScript

Django Stack: Django, Python, and My SQL along with JavaScript


A database is a structured collection of data and information (or) inter-related data stored in the form of tables, views, schemas, reports, and so on in one place.

Oracle database is a multi-model Data Base Management System (DBMS) developed by Oracle to streamline online transaction operations.

MongoDB is an open-source NoSQL database management system that can be utilized as an alternative to conventional regional databases to create highly scalable web applications with an agile approach.

MySQL is an Oracle-developed, distributed, and supported Relational Database Management System that is widely used in e-commerce platforms, data warehousing, and other web applications.

PostgreSQL is a free and open-source Relational Database Management System used extensively in data warehousing.

Advantages of Full-Stack Development

  1. It helps the developers to understand the entire web development process, resulting in effective and efficient web development.
  2. Developers can easily identify bottlenecks and issues that arise in both front-end and back-end development.
  3. The best experience can be delivered to the users through user-friendly and cohesive websites.
  4. Full-Stack developers have comprehensive knowledge of both front-end and back-end technologies.
  5. Any issues (or) problems can be easily identified throughout the development process, saving time and money.

Limitations of Full-Stack Development

However there aren’t many drawbacks, the major disadvantages of full-stack development are outlined below.

  1. One big downside is that developers may not be experts in all technologies, which might pose problems if a project demands a high level of technical knowledge.
  2. As full-stack development is more complex and time-consuming, it might not be the ideal solution for small projects with short deadlines.


If you are interested in becoming a developer, mastering full-stack development can be the best option. It provides a comprehensive review of both front-end and back-end technologies, as well as databases. Excelling in trending technologies like JavaScript, Angular, MEAN stack, MERN stack, and many more can help you evolve as a skilled developer. I hope this blog has covered all aspects of full-stack development. If you have any queries (or) doubts, please leave them in the comments area. Our team will respond to you at the earliest.

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